Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No Ordinary Public Path

When I think of public paths I think of sidewalks and walking paths thru parks and such.  In Durham they go one step further (pun intended).  If you are walking along the road beside fields or paddocks you will see an unobtrusive green sign that says "Public Footpath".  These paths lead thru the fields that contain the sheep and cows of the farms.  You see ... it is the responsibility of the farm owners to ensure that there is a path thru their fields including the means to hop over the fence. So today I went for a walk around Florrie and Alan's neighborhood and made sure that I use the public footpath.  To be honest the first few steps past the cows and sheep were a little bit nervous but they paid no attention to me and I enjoyed my walk.

Asked this guy to step aside .... but he persuaded me to wait :)

A step over the fence


  1. This is lovely. It is one of the few things I remember from my trip to England when I was young. Rolling hills, green pastures, sheep and footpaths. Sounds like a great walk in the country! :D

  2. great pictures....but I do feel a picture is coming of Florrie and Allan (I just can feel it)

  3. If it was me I'd take that "skateboard" looking thing with me everywhere and make my own path... but then again then I'd be "the guy with the board" and probably wouldn't get very far. Sheep! That always remind me of my favorite "Shaun of the Sheep" and a pretty good joke (remind me to tell you when you get back!)



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